
Stay Well-Hydrated In Your Boating Adventures!

30 Nov 23

Boating on your Quintrex boat is a fun activity that many lovers of the water can enjoy. However, the environment to which boat owners are regularly exposed may be harsh due to the unforgiving Australian summer weather. Summers can typically go as high as 28 degrees and sometimes can even soar up to 40 degrees! That’s really hot! If you’re out on the water and the sun is beating down its unforgiving heat, you can suffer from heatstroke and sunburn! Don’t let the sun’s heat discourage you from pursuing your boating adventures. Fortunately, boat owners can prevent such ailments by staying hydrated. Here are some effective ways boat owners can retain water in their bodies.

 Carry Sufficient Liquids

Always bring more water than you anticipate needing. Dehydration occurs faster in hot weather, so it's essential to have an adequate supply of fresh drinking water on board.

Energy drinks, aside from conveniently existing as an ingestible liquid form, are effective in hydrating an individual due to the nutrients they contain. The sugar content of many sports drinks allows the body to replenish carbohydrates quickly. However, you must take care not to consume too much as the excess calories in sports drinks may spike your sugar levels and make you feel sluggish. Invest in insulated water bottles or hydration packs that can keep your water cool for an extended period.

 Stay Away From Caffeine

While coffee and tea are mostly ingested in liquid form, they may cause dehydration in the long run. Caffeine may boost one’s energy and focus, but this comes at the cost of bodily fluids.

 Stay Cool

Humans are more likely to sweat in warm weather. To avoid feeling hot and sweating profusely as a result, you must stay away from the direct glare of the sun, and sit far from your Yamaha outboard engines as they release heat inherent to their performance.

Opt for lightweight, loose-fitting, and breathable clothing that allows your body to stay cool. Wearing moisture-wicking fabrics can help in sweat evaporation, keeping you more comfortable.

Seek Shade and Take Breaks

Find shaded areas on the boat or use umbrellas and canopies to shield yourself from direct sunlight. Take regular breaks in shaded spots to rest and rehydrate.

Use Sunscreen and Protective Gear

Apply sunscreen with a high SPF rating to prevent sunburn, which can contribute to dehydration. Don’t forget to protect your eyes with sunglasses and wear a hat to shield your face from the sun.

Monitor Signs of Dehydration

Be mindful of symptoms such as dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, and reduced urination which might indicate dehydration. If you experience these signs, take immediate steps to rehydrate.

Be Prepared with Extra Supplies

Plan for unexpected delays or emergencies by carrying extra water supplies. It’s better to have more water than needed than to risk running out while on the water.

Boating during the summer offers incredible opportunities for relaxation and fun. However, it's vital to prioritize hydration to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.