
Tips on How to Take Care of Your Quintrex Tinnies

21 Dec 23

There’s a reason why Quintrex boats, are a staple classic for Australian boaters. Their aluminium boats are durable and strong yet at the same time, they are convenient. They are easy to transport anywhere and can withstand many different environmental conditions. Plus, they are a great investment for anyone who loves to do water-based activities.

However, no matter how tough Quintrex boats are made, proper maintenance is key for your boat to last for decades. Regular maintenance can prevent costly repairs or the need to buy a new boat after a few years. Whether you’re a seasoned boater or a newbie, these tips can help you take the appropriate measures to keep your boat in tip-top shape:

Clean Your Boat Properly

It's important to properly clean and dry your Quintrex boat after hauling it out of the water, especially if it's been used in saltwater.

Neglecting to clean your boat could develop weird odours, moulds, and corrosion. Aluminium boats are prone to corrosion when exposed to saltwater and oxygen. Corrosion is indicated by the presence of white or dull grey marks. Prevent corrosion from happening by:

  • Draining the accumulated water inside your boat. Make sure the drainage in your boat is free from particles that may block the flow of water.
  • Wash your boat’s hull with fresh water to wash away any salt particles that stick on your boat’s surface.
  • Use an aluminium cleaner to remove any dirt or grime on your boat. Using an aluminium cleaner prevents your tinnie from oxidizing.
  • Don’t forget to use aluminium polish to make your boat’s hull look new and shiny. It also helps maintain the quality of your boat. 

Use Marine Carpet on Your Boat’s Floor and Seats 

We get it, you use carpet to prevent your boat floor and seats from getting dirty from dirt and debris,  and you want to cushion your feet and your bottom from the hot surface of the aluminium boat. However, using a regular old carpet will absorb liquids and won’t dry quickly. And if you forget to take them off after your boating trip, and then store your boat in a closed garage, the damp carpet will smell and become a potential environment for moulds and mildew to grow. Plus, if the carpet is soaked with salt water, it could corrode your hull quickly. 

Use a carpet with antimicrobial properties made for marine environments. Aside from carpets, you can use rubber mats and waterproof cushions.

Familiarise Your Boating Location

It's crucial to research the terrain of your destination to avoid damage to your boat's hull. For example, you may want to avoid travelling along a shallow river bank since the underwater rocks and tree roots could scrape or poke your boat’s hull. 

Keep Your Boat Covered When Not in Use 

This is pretty self-explanatory. Cover your boat with a waterproof cover. This will prevent any leaves, fragments, or rainwater from accumulating inside your boat. Make sure the boat cover will envelop your entire boat well.  

Planning to get a new boat for the holidays? How about checking us out here in Rising Sun Marine? We are an authorized dealer of Quintrex boats and Yamaha outboard motors located in Townsville, Queensland. Additionally, we also supply Move Boat, Dunbier, and Redco boat trailers and Bargain Boat Bits products so we can provide you with all boating and fishing supplies to meet all your needs. We are also a certified Yamaha Service Centre and have been providing exceptional service to our customers for over four decades!

We hope you will keep these tips in mind. If you put in the work to give your Quintrex tinny the TLC it needs, you will surely reap the rewards of your hard work.